My first sight of London, after arrival at Kings Cross station. Somewhat colorful, despite the gray rain: red kiosk, blue building, green trees.

Narrow hallways, somewhat antiquated, similar to the New York subway. Several lines meet here at Kings Cross. I know what I am supposed to take - the Picadilly line towards West. It is quite easy to find the way, despite the slightly confusing labyrinth of hallways and stairs, everything is quite well marked, with maps and line depictions everywhere. I find my train and enter. Again, an uneasy feeling. I look at everyone in the train, to judge if someone loosk suspicious. But they are all "normal", whatever that actually means. I myself obstained this time of wearing my ear microphones for 3D audio recordings that I usually have, so as not to create suspicion myself. Keep all my equipment hidden, the GPS, the computer, the camera, the cabling. Change to another train line after 2 stations. Then I get out at Tottenham Court Road. I try to orient myself - where is here north? where are the street signs? I see a sign to the "British Museum" - that is the right direction. The hotel is just 2 minutes walk from the subway station.