The meeting place for the MATTIA meeting. We meet with the project participants at the facilities of Addlink, a local company in Barcelona. Sit around a round arrangements of tables. Now the project is introduced and discussed: a mathematics platform
for learning and teaching. Roberto heads the meeting, and project details emerge, highlighting the expected contributions of the participants.
Internet access seems to be quite probematic. In the hotel I was trying to get the wireless access going - I got to the logon page, but everytime I tried to put in my credentials and crfedit card info, the system stopped working...
After the meeting is over in the late afternoon, Graham and I head out to do some sightseeing. We walk through the old part of town, down to the harbor. The restaurants are packed. We try to get into a place where they serve tappas, but all places are occupied. Have a beer in a nice 80s-style bar, then finally find a retaurant with Tappas. Quite hungry, we splurge on various plates with olives, pork, octopus, omelet, etc.