The ornamental East facade of Gaudi's cathedral Sagrada Familia.

At 10:15 I head for the Sagrada Familia cathedral. I want to go inside, see that masterpiece in detail. Take a subway this time - I have to be back at the hotel by 12:00 for checking out. The lines at the entrance are still short - later I expect them to be much longer. If one wants to pay 8 Euro for seeing a large construction area, then this is what you get. The western half of the cathedral is under heavy construction, 4 new towers have been built, 4 more are to come. The cathedral will have 12 towers, representing the 12 apostles. A starc contrast between the new western part, with its much stricter straight lines, and the older eastern part, with its overflowing ornaments. It is amazing and quite envigourating, to see how Gaudi ignored all academic rules for design and style, and did what he considered needed to be done. An amazing symbol of the free human spirit, devoted only to the individual sense for beauty.