Thursday, September 11, 2008

SDF: Faculty Day

On Thursday the day of our faculty, Innovation North, in the Leeds Met Staff Development Festival. I attended a workshop given by a specialist on Intellectual Property (IP), and then joined Tony Bryant in the workshop "I am a researcher - get me out of here!".

In the afternoon, the Ideas Factory presentations were repeated, and I got my medal a second time (after I had handed it in before).

During the last plenary keynote talk I was asked to joint the faculty management team who were sitting in the first row. Tony was not to be found, so I was told that I should say something about research as kind of closing remarks of the day. During the quite funny keynote by comedian Kevin McCarron I was collecting my thoughts to produce some meaningful sentences (without any powerpoint slides!). Then we all walked onto the stage. As I take place, I see that Tony is here too! He must have been there all the time, just had not been noticed. So what now about my words about research? I do not want to say the same as he, since this would just "his show"... so when it is my turn I talk something general about the Staff Development Festival, instead of what I had wanted to say (which was how to link research with student-related teaching etc.). Then Tony gave his public address, and our faculty day closed.

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