Sunday, April 08, 2007

Middleton Railway, Leeds

The Middleton Railway in Leeds claims to be the world's oldest working railway. It was built in 1758, first operated with horses, then from 1812 with one of the first steam locomotives. Quite pioneering effort!

Nowadays, the line is open as a museum train, with small industrial steam locomotives. I took a ride on the short run between the station Moor Halt and Park Halt. No spectacular scenery here, just going under the motorway, along a few warehouses, through former industrial territory. While on the train, one of the passenger comments about the fenced-off sports facilities nearby, with its CCTV cameras, and the high metal fence around. "These vandals would smash the train too, if they could! What a shame". Yes, there are some problems... recently the Harry Potter train got smashed by vandals. The Middleton railway is in Hunslet, not far from Beeston where the London bombers came from. No connection here between the islamist religiously motivated disillusion, and the pointless no-future attitude of vandalising youths. Again I think, considering what happened to my bicyle and my car, "what is wrong with Britain?" Why do I have to be concerned about this, on a nice sunny day out?

Well, anyway, what is the point of complaining... here are a few pictures of the Leeds Middleton Railway which I took.

Middleton Railway, Leeds: smoking steam engine