Thursday, June 15, 2006

More Soccer World Cup Games

On Wednesday night, Germany played against Poland. I would have liked to watch this game together with my German friend Falk and the crowd of Polish people he was with that night, but I was busy with my preparations of my next travel. So I just watched the game half-hearted on TV as I ran other errands. My contribution to this event: I hang the German flag out of the Brewery during the game.

On Thursday afternoon, England played again.

I was in my office during the time, but the hallways of the university were empty around 5pm. As I left the office, I walked down to Leeds Millenium Square, where the big BBC screen was displaying the game. But again, the square was sealed off, and only a limited number of people had been allowed to watch. The other spectators - including me - stand outside to get a glimpse of the screen over the fence. I caught at least the scene when the England team hits one goal.

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