On Friday, 21.7., all the "inhabitants" of that A-Block came together for a final celebration. I am actually the one who stayed here the shortest time - most people here were there way before me.

Good-bye party in A-Block, Civic Quarter.

On Thursday morning, the parking spots were blocked by a large yellow truck, and the packers carried the orange crates down from all the offices - in these crates, we had packed all the belongings from the office.

My old office A-135 - everything is packed.

The office in which I had been now for 11 months, looked empty. I liked that office very much - lots of light coming in from all sides, it was spacious and bright. My new office in the Caedmon building is about half the size... and just one smaller window. Oh well...

The van will transport the stuff to Headingley.

In the afternoon, the crates arrived in Headingley. Mine were unloaded later in the evening, so I only got to unpack them on Friday morning. Afte 2 hours, the new office looked hospitable again - with my maps and posters at the walls, and the fountain setup. So from now on my office is Caeadmon 217.

Arrival up in Headingley.

Initially the new office 217 Caedmon is empty...

... but after the unpacking, it looks cluttered as usual.

From my seat, I can watch people walking by in the hallway.

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