The moving company arrived in the morning, around 10:00am. Instead of the announced 20 ft container, they brought a large truck - which could hold actually more volume. The reasonw as that the containers at the Long Beach harbour were not available, due to a strike a few days ago. And this turned actually our to be good - instead of 900 cu feet, the size of a 20 ft container, our overall volume of good turned out to be 1250 cu feet. This meant that our stuff would be in a shared 40 ft container - not an ideal situation, but we have no other choice.
The packers worked non-stop until 18:00. When they left, I realised that they had forgotten to pack two small furniture pieces from the kitchen...

The moving truck.

Now the house was empty - sort of. There were still items there which we had decided not to ship, because they were would be of no use to us in the UK. We gave away a few things to our neighbors, and the really old stuff we just threw out.