Friday, March 14, 2008

Google Problems?

Since yesterday, I experience the following problem with Google searches: almost every 2nd search leads to a page where Google displays something like this: "your search looks like spam"... and I have to enter a word that appears in a graphic. Not sure what is so spammy about my Google search requests... they are just standard searches as usual.

Anyone else had experienced this recently?


Marbod Hopfner said...

May be, the solution is the following: Google blocks too many search requests from the same IP-adress within a short time, because they don't want automatic searches of programs using their search engine. If you use a shared IP, e.g. using a router supporting NAT, and a lot of students - sharing the same IP - use Google at the same time, too, you might be blocked for a few minutes.

Reinhold Behringer said...

that could be - since Leeds Met shares one single IP address through a proxy server.

Very strange though that this had never happened before...