Monday, December 04, 2006

ISLES Conference in Salerno

On Monday the work begins. A conference is scheduled in the Commune di Salerno, to inform attendees about the results of this project. But first I take a brief walk through the awaking city in the morning. Nearby is a very interesting medieval aquaeduct.

The conference is scheduled to begin at 9am. But time goes by, and we are still waiting for the Lord Mayor who is supposed to give a welcome address. Turns out that he is stuck in traffic. Somehow I am not surprised...

As the official part finally begins around 10am, the maor still is not here - instead the greeting address is given by a deputy. Then, Roberto gives an overview over the ISLES project. Coffee break. Afterwards, I am supposed to give a talk about the contribution of Leeds Met to this project. However, another speaker is scheduled first: Professor Gianfranco Rizzo gives a talk about the project of a hybrid vehicle powered by renewable energy (solar). As ISLES, also this project is funded by the EU Leonardo project. Then I give my talk about Leeds Met's contribution to ISLES: the ontology of eLearning. After every sentence I pause, to let the translator repeat my words in Italian.

A nice lunch buffet concludes this conference.

There is still daylight, so Lena and I decide to drive South, to see the antique site of Paestum. We are looking for that 4-lane road that is drawn on our map, but it turns out that this road was more a wishful thinking - it just does not exist. After a few deviations, we arrive at Paestum shortly after sunset.

As we drive on the road near Paestum, suddenly large blocks of stones appear on the left side, parts of a former wall. It looks antique... so I assume that we are there. The road leads around the site, no sights of any temple yet. Only as we turn into the actual entrance for tourists, then we see the Greek temples. The sun already has set down, just a blue sky is in the back towards West. The temples show just their dark silhouette. But later, the lights are switched on, and now the temples appear in bright yellow light against the blue still shining sky backdrop – a marvelous sight!

Further down to Agripolis, but we return back due to lack of time. On the way back we make it to the supermarket - Lena still needs to buy a few things.

We come back just in time for the dinner meeting with the group at 21:00. Pizzeria "Il Duca". Again antipasti, sea food, large plates. Then a gorgeous pizza...

Near the Duomo in nightly Salerno.

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