On Saturday, the Chancellor of our University, Brendan Foster, and his wife Sue Foster, had invited a few people to a social gathering in York at the horse races. Present were the vice chancellor Simon Lee and his wife, university governors, deans, and professors. Dress code was "smart" (suit and tie) - a noble affair. Most ladies wore hats. The chancellor had rented a stand at the York race course, with a gorgeous view over the terrain. Most of us were for the very first time at such a race and had never betted on horses. Lena and I betted and won a few pounds, in the single digits. Very good food came as the lunch was served, and a delightful atmosphere.
Asked on what principle he would bet, the Vice Chancellor said "it is all in the names", and he gave examples on what horses he would bet on. Someone who shall remain nameless, suggested the following association of a horse's name: "Fantasy Believer" - the Leeds Met Corporate Plan.
The buildings of the stand.
View from the stand towards the end of the race course.
Horses running.
Spectators seen from top.